Friday, July 26, 2013

You might be in Iowa if...

So, if you read my last post (or you're on Facebook) you know I'm in Iowa visiting family and friends and will be here for the next week still.

So while I'm up here, I thought I would do more of a fun post instead of blabbing on about whatever is currently going on.

Instead, I will be kind of making a list of things I've seen in Iowa so far.

So here we go:

  • If deer consistently want to jump out in front of your car whenever you go somewhere, you're probably in Iowa. 
  • If you consistently see dead deer on the side of the road and it doesn't phase you, you're probably in Iowa. 
  • If your grandmother has plenty of farm kittens running around the country house and they always seem to be multiplying, you're probably in Iowa. 
  • If the raccoon family makes a daily appearance at the cat food bowl and stares at you through the window while they eat, you're probably in Iowa. 
  • If your idea of a good time is spending the day at the county fair, you might be in Iowa. 
  • If you enjoy watching people play real life bumper cars in the mud (demo derby), you might be in Iowa. 
  • If you run out of the sun room so your grandpa can kill 4 or 5 wasps that made their way in there, you might be in Iowa. 
  • If a lot of people give you the casual 2 finger wave while driving past them in the opposite direction on the county highways, you might be in Iowa. 
  • If it's a common occurrence to get stuck behind a tractor on the highway for a few minutes, you might be in Iowa. 
  • If you help cook and freeze 46 pints of sweet corn for your grandparents, you might be in Iowa. 
  • If you're used to sweating after 10 minutes of being outside due to the humidity, you might be in Iowa. 
  • If you see green EVERYWHERE, you might be in Iowa. 
I've been here for just over a week now and plan to be leaving next Wednesday. If I come up with any others, I will probably update this post.

Until then, have a good week :)


  1. You might be in AZ if it is 120 degrees
    if every thing is brown unless watered daily
    You have to spray around your home to keep the scorpion out.
    Restaurants have out doors waiting rooms cooled by mister spraying cool water on you.
    Christmas lights are strung up palm trees.
    Your drivers license last until you are 60 yrs. old. And the elk live up in the trees.
