Friday, September 27, 2013

Half Way Done

Today's post will probably be pretty short. Not a whole lot happening and I have 2 tests this upcoming Monday and Tuesday that I need to start studying for in about an hour and not stoping until both my tests are done on Tuesday morning :)

This weeks basic science test went really well. Had I not changed one of my answers going back through my test, I would have had an A on it. The test covered multiple lectures about cancer, pediatric diseases, multiple different types of inheritance, analyzing genotypes, and newborn screening. I did spend a lot of time studying last weekend, so I'm glad it paid off.

My theories and methods class today learned a lot about using prisms and how to diagnose different types of eye misalignments - and using prisms to correct the alignment. It was super interesting especially after a year at LensCrafters and knowing why we were putting prisms in peoples glasses and why I had to make sure they measured as the doctor's prescription ordered. Super interesting stuff and it made the 5 hours we were in lecture and lab fly by.

We all got to pick up our white coats on Wednesday and NEXT Friday is our white coat ceremony. If you've never heard of a white coat ceremony, it's basically become one of those things many medically affiliated schools do for their students that kind of officially marks our transition to the clinical health science side of things. We have to look nice and our names get called, we walk across a stage and one of the optometry faculty puts a white coat on us. Nothing too big, but it's one of those "one time things" that we get to do.

Last week, my sweet little betta fish, Zeta, passed away. I'd had him almost 2 years, so he did pretty well for a little fish. Over a week later, it made me sad walking past his empty tank, so I went and picked up a new friend.

His name is Delta. I've owned Betta fish for a loooong time now and I have this thing where I always name them after a greek letter (since Beta is a greek letter itself). Coincidentally, delta (looks like a triangle) is also the same symbol for prism in optometry speak. So it was very appropriate to get him this week as we were learning about them.

And my brief blip on my getting in shape/weight loss thing is that it is still going well! I lost another 2 pounds since last week (5 pounds total) and I'm still running. I'm up to 2 miles and am able to run the majority of it. Still walking a little, but I'm gettin' there. :) I've stopped drinking soda and am eating smaller portions of food, which I think is also contributing.

Aaaand now I'm off to study. My optometry fact of the week will have to be about optometry using prisms and that prism is represented by the greek letter delta. See, ya learned a little, right? :) Have a good week!

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